
Happy New Year 2022!

From all of us here at Androidacy, we wish everyone an amazing 2022! May it be filled with wonder, success, and joy.

Looking back at 2021

It was quite the eventful year, after all. We saw almost 2k commits to our GitHub organization, implemented an entirely new API to better serve our users, and successfully released Androidacy NEXT, a restructure aimed at improving our scalability and reliability. We’re happy to say the last pieces have fallen into place and the project has been successful.

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The world saw lockdowns, shortages, and the occasional jammed canal. Many people suffered losses from the pandemic, and Androidacy would like to take a moment to honor two of our team members who lost a family member, right along with everyone else who lost someone. You will not be forgotten, and you are not alone.

Our user base grew to almost 21 million users a month – more than even our most optimistic projections showed early in. Those users have consumed over 20TB of traffic in the second half of the year alone, and our API proudly serves 4 million or more requests a month.

And now, to the future.

The future. It’s always coming, never stopping, and what was the future is now the present and will be the past.

With that in mind, Androidacy has very exciting plans in store. We can’t say much right now, but stay tuned to our blog for news on that. Our plans include our own take on Magisk, with repository and Hide included, and new takes on old favorites like our own Font Manager.

With our current growth, it becomes more and more imperative our community supports us. We’re primarily funded by advertising, but you can buy a subscription to keep our lights on and unlock cool benefits. Did someone say something about potential merch?

Let’s make 2022 the best year ever for Android, because Android Deserves Better.

Do you have any good new year’s resolutions? Drop them in the comments, or head on over to our Telegram.

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