
Website ReVamp

Notice anything different about our site? Take a second look, look closely. See it now?

You’re not imagining things, nor is this one of the A/B tests we periodically conduct: it’s the real thing. Our website has undergone a Material Design 2.0 makeover, with many improvements all over the place for speed, browser compatibility, and much more.

General Maintenance

We did some basic upkeep, like the aforementioned Material Design, plus several improvements and optimizations.

We’ve decreased some core libraries sizes to save you data, and ensure that all users get an equally fast experience. We’ve also revamped the underling API and framework to ensure a speedy experience with out connected and/or live experiences, such as the live search we introduced and the Modules Repository.

Magisk Modules Repository

We’ve rebranded parts of the Androidacy Magisk Modules Repository to make clearer what parts are our own and what parts are provided by third party developers.

The Repository no longer takes you to the downloads page when trying to download a module. You can now download directly from the dialog that appears when you hit the download button on each module card.

We’ve revamped search to make it faster and more appealing to the eye.

We’ve reworked the underlying API to make responses come quicker, with most requests being completed in less than 500ms – that’s fast!

Font Previewer

Our Font Previewer has seen a major UI/UX overhual. Here’s some of the changes.

You can now search for a font or module using the handy search bar above the table displaying the available choices.

The header will now remain at the top, to ensure you always know which list is which.

We’ve reworked previews to be faster, and removed some lag on older devices. Firefox should also work fine now!


We’re working on two new Magisk Modules – stay tuned for updates.

Leave any thoughts in the comments, and be sure to browse around the updated site.

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