
Module Updates and a Happy New Year!

First off, a very happy new year from everyone at Androidacy! It’s been a tough year all around, between the pandemic, supply chain shortages, and some of our team members losing family members to the aforementioned pandemic, but we’re almost there!

Looking forward to the new year, we’re excited to announce new updates to our API, and the associated updates for our modules and website. These updates tackle everything from authentication issues to performance issues and more.

We are currently aware of an issue that prevents Premium or above users from claiming some benefits. We’re investigating the issue, and it seems limited to downloads at the moment.

Without further ado, let’s go to the changelog!

API changelog:

Speed up the API by caching results where possible
Rework authentication to prevent some edge cases where clients may not send headers correctly
Remove legacy code related to old apps
Cache assets on our CDN where possible
Move to our own implementation for some tools

Module changelogs:

Bump API client to v2.2 or newer
Remove automatic update checks from all but our own modules
Lay the groundwork for custom font support in Font Manager
General housekeeping and refactoring
Improve accessibility and performance of our website. It is also available as a Web App now. Chrome users can click the ‘Install Androidacy’ button that should pop up to try it out!

Closing words

Font Manager is now at version 5.5.5, and WebView Manager at 10.3.1. We encourage all users to update as soon as possible, as previous versions will not work with the server side changes. In addition, all previous 5.5.x versions of Font Manager were critically bugged so that they became unusable after a reboot.

Questions? Need help? Head on over to our Contact page. Leave any thoughts in the comments, but remember support is not provided via comments.

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