
Merry Christmas 2020!

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Christmas but not like before

Since I’m sure you’d like to spend time with your families (even if it’s via Zoom or similar!) I’ll keep it short.

This year, Christmas is going to look nothing like it ever has before. With the pandemic, so many of us won’t be having get together as they’re unsafe, or we are mourning the loss of someone we loved getting killed by the coronavirus. It’s going to be hard.

I know it’s against every human instinct, but you must not gather around the tree this year. Health is and should be our top priority right now. After all don’t you want grandpa Joe to be here next Christmas too? Even if you need each other right now?

With the advent of the internet, after all, we are never really alone. We can always pull up facebook or telegram or whatever to talk to others.

Please stay safe this holiday season!

In other news, after the holidays I plan on releasing a few updates for Font Revival, Webview Switcher, and my other projects so stay tuned!

Finally, to those who celebrate Christmas: Merry Christmas! And to everyone else happy holidays!

Stay home, stay safe, wear your damn mask and wash those hands.

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