
Androidacy-NEXT beta, stage 1 is here

Welcome to the first stage of the Androidacy-NEXT project, a total under-the-hood rework of our API and site!

We’ve updated quite a few things and closely integrated with Patreon to provide you with a better experience.

In the coming days, our Magisk Modules will be updated in accordance with the NEXT project.

What’s new in Androidacy-NEXT

We’re glad you asked!

Firstly, there’s a streamlined download experience. We designed it from the ground up to best serve you. Currently, Patrons who log into our site who back us at $5 or more can experience it now! The rest can experience it once we make it generally public in the coming weeks.

We’ve refactored the API to be better, faster, and stronger than ever! We’ll update our modules in the coming days to utilize the beta api.

We’ve also given the site a facelift, and tune-up.

In addition, Patrons who back us at $3 or more will no longer see ads on our site! [EDIT: From preliminary reports, this is broken. Please wait for NEXT stage 2.]

We’ve also restructured internally, and optimized our resources to be more efficient.

Oh. And did you see our spiffy new logo?

Don’t worry, there’s even more to come, it’s just not ready yet.

What are your thoughts on stage one? Let us know in the comments, or by navigating to our contact page to find our Telegram links.

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