
Webview Manager v9 – Great Improvements

We’re pleased to announce that v9 of Webview Manager is now out in stable, ready for the general public.

Webview Manager builds on the foundations we laid in v8.1, improving in many key ways. We’ve simplified the install process, and switched to our homegrown API for better performance and more flexibility to grow. We’ve also fixed some key bugs, and just did a general cleanup.

NOTE FOR CONFIG.TXT: Due to installer changes, you must set FORCE_CONFIG=1 in config.txt placed in /sdcard/WebviewManager to have that file respected. Otherwise, the installer will fall back to volume key selection.

Below you will find a full change log, and download links.

Changelog for Webview Manager 9

  • fiber_newVolume key selection of options
  • fiber_newSwitched to new API
  • new_releasesImprove download speed
  • new_releasesOptimize installer logic
  • new_releasesImprove module security
  • new_releasesVerify all files
  • new_releasesStreamline version check
  • new_releasesStreamline file verification
  • new_releasesCode refactoring

We’d like to thank the members of the team who helped this release. We’d also like to give Sergio (linuxct) from the Descendant team a special shout-out for making this release possible. In addition, huge thank you to every one of our testers.

The update will roll out to magisk soon.

Please note v8 and earlier will stop working once enough users have upgrade to v9. Please upgrade ASAP!

You may download the latest release below, or follow a link to go to another page.

Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments, and support information is on our contact page.

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